SYNOPSIS Anne and Paul move to New England after the sudden death of their son, Bobby. But even in their new home, Anne still feels Bobby's presence... and he's not the only one.
With a calm inevitability, like a hand gripping the back of your head, We Are Still Here proceeds with unstoppable force, and has so much to show you. What's especially impressive is that level of surgical precision and restraint coming from what is, essentially, a True Believer horror production. Director Geoghegan got his start with years spent in the German splatterpunk scene, writing scripts for no-budget grinders Timo Rose and Andreas Schnaas. The cast credits should speak for themselves; and while one might expect familiarity with the material to lend itself to an entertaining pastiche, the level of clinical confidence on display here is unheard of. We Are Still Here could have been any other haunted house film; instead, it bridges decades and subgenres, creating something unlike any other horror film. (Hell, I struggled to fill out the "See Also:" section below, so consider those recommendations tenuous. It shares a cinematographer with Hobo, though!)
Director: Ted Geoghegan (Mohawk)
Cast: Barbara Crampton (Re-Animator, From Beyond)
Larry Fessenden (Session 9, You're Next)
Lisa Marie (Ed Wood, Mars Attacks, If... Dog... Rabbit)
CONTENT (spoilered; highlight for warnings)
violence against women, immolation, decapitation, possession
CAREER STATS [on a scale from 1 (least) to 10 (most)]
FUN: 7
Cast chemistry and a genuinely likeable lead; smart script.
Some of the most furiously aggressive ghosts in cinema.
Top-tier, innovative gore, and a real Grand Guignol finish.
Really unique for such an enthusiast piece, but gore alert.
Hobo With a Shotgun, Crimson Peaks, The Alchemist Cookbook |