SYNOPSIS A banking exec is sent to retrieve the CEO from a convalescent spa in the Alps. After a car accident damages his leg, he awakens as a patient - but something is very wrong.
Okay I don't know every single person I watch this with hates it. I love it. I mean, I've watched it three times now. It's long, and sorta unsatisfying, and I'm not sure it ever knows what it's doing - in a bad-planning way, not in an "I'm gonna wake up today and film whatever I feel like" David Lynch-kinda way. It's not great about women and it turns into a different movie about 30 minutes before the end. But you know what else? It is BEAUTIFUL, and it is strange, and it is unique, and I think everyone's brain would be a little better having filtered A Cure for Wellness through it.
Director: Gore Verbinski (Mouse Hunt, Rango)
Cast: Dane DeHaan (Devil's Knot, Valerian and the City of a Thousand Planets)
Mia Goth (Suspiria, Nymphomaniac)
Jason Isaacs (The Death of Stalin, Fury, Dragonheart)
CONTENT (spoilered; highlight for warnings)
deep water, violence against women, sea creatures, the elderly, fire
CAREER STATS [on a scale from 1 (least) to 10 (most)]
FUN: 8
Psych horror that becomes grand guignol. UTTERLY gorgeous.
Maintains a steady tension til it turns into a fairy tale.
The main char (+ audience) are alternately confused + scared.
A bit drawn-out, but sumptuous and like nothing else.
The Ninth Configuration, The Fall, The Shape of Water |